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Empowering Global Communication through Saudi Culture

training and programs

Elevate your cross-cultural skills with our engaging programs

ICPRC develops customized training programs to address the specific needs of both Saudis and non-Saudis

Intercultural communication program

For Non-Saudis: Our programs help newcomers adapt to the Saudi work and living environment by:

  • Promoting Saudi-specific cultural awareness and sensitivity to help integrate into our increasingly multicultural society.

  • Building an understanding of Saudi culture, history, and customs

  • Developing skills to build successful relationships with Saudi friends, colleagues, and the community in general.

  • Highlighting how our approach to intercultural communication can help you thrive and integrate into Saudi society.

For Saudis: Our programs equip Saudis with the tools to:

  • Enhance their intercultural awareness and sensitivity.

  • Understand the various aspects of other cultures.

  • Learning techniques for overcoming barriers to inclusion in multicultural environments.

  • Carry out a cultural competence Self-Assessment of teams within an organization.

  • Developing the skills to adapt to different cultures and communicate more effectively.

  • Introduce others to the richness of the Saudi national identity.

  • Promote intercultural communication within work environments.

International relations program

While our training courses generally emphasise skills and strategies for integration, our IRP helps individuals to dive deeper into International Relations in particular and the needs of those who act as cultural or business ambassadors for our Kingdom. Today's world is governed by the norms of cooperation, understanding, and continuous action to make human societies safer, more prosperous, and more sophisticated, and to keep abreast of the modern world with its norms and values. The knowledge and skills to succeed in international relations are many and varied - particularly in achieving the standards of the international community in all aspects of economic, social, environmental, and health, accession to international treaties and conventions, or participation and representation. Therefore, we offer the International Relations Course to develop the skills of Saudis working in roles with international aspects, whether in the private sector, public, or NGOs.

Goals of the program:

  • Develop a comprehensive understanding of international relations theories and frameworks.

  • Knowledge of international law, diplomacy, and global governance structures.

  • Analyze current global challenges and emerging trends in international relations.

  • Sharpen critical thinking, negotiation, and research skills for effective engagement in international affairs.

  • Build intercultural communication skills for clear and persuasive presentations on international issues and writing international reports.

Protocol & etiquette program

The program is designed to give trainees the necessary tools to successfully interact in Official situations and various events.

The program includes the basics of the protocol and etiquette in:

  • Etiquette of Hospitality

  • Etiquette of Official and Social Dealing

  • Etiquette of verbal communications

  • Etiquette of appropriate dress codes for multiple occasions

  • Etiquette Events, dining, Parties and Feasting

  • Etiquette of meetings and Interviews

  • Protocol of official visits

Together to build diverse communities

We strive to create awareness of cultural communication between Saudi society and other societies in the world to make life in Saudi Arabia an unforgettable experience.